Light in Harmony with Human and Nature

YouTube Video - Published by @landooetv

Nested in the natural landscape of the alps lie the towns and villages of Upper Austria. Once the sun sets, they’re lit up with artificial light. From space one can see a glimmering network of human activity. Light means safety, and progress. It allows us to work at night, and to move around freely and safely. A city without street lights is unthinkable. But light requires energy, and therefore takes its share in the destruction of the environment and global warming. It is time for a conversion to a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly illumination.

In most communities a lot of light - and a lot of energy - is wasted on street and building illumination. Where light radiates upward, it creates no benefit - only costs. Modern LED technology is much more energy-efficient. This means that there is a lot of potential for savings for communities, as well as an opportunity for environmentally beneficial action.

From time immemorial mankind has cast their gaze and their dreams towards the stars. Light that radiates upwards robs us of that beauty. Artificial light also attracts insects, who perish when drawn to the lamps. But these insects are vital pollinators for fruit and vegetables grown in the region. The habitat of nocturnal animals like bats is compromised, diurnal animals are disturbed in their sleeping patterns. Even humans are affected, and that has a compelling reason: Blue light inhibits the production of the sleeping hormone melatonin, which makes it harder to fall asleep.

The project development for the two communities followed the Austrian guidelines for exterior illumination. Color temperature, intensity and direction are major factors. All lamps are screened from above, so that no stray light escapes into the night sky, so that all of the light is directed at the street.

For a healthy and secure life we need good illumination. Illumination that casts light were it is needed - on the streets, and on important buildings. Nature, and most of all our bedrooms should remain dark at night. The communities Kirchschlag bei Linz and Steinbach am Attersee now have cutting edge illumination that not only saves energy and costs, but also puts the people’s needs first. And there’s another great side-effect: with the switch to LED lighting they now comply with all the requirements for an official star preserve region. So in the end, everybody benefits. Nature, the starry sky, residents and the energy budget. And that’s an important contribution to preserve our country with all its beauty for the following generations.

More information on light pollution and future-oriented outdoor-lighting under:

Copyright: Land Oberösterreich -


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